Sunday, April 3, 2016

What is a corrective exercise specialist?

What is a corrective exercise specialist?: What is a CES?: EVERY  BODY  HAS ISSUES Don't ignore bad movements.  Fix them.   With me,  Michelle V. Pitlik, CPT, CES; a NASM Corre...

Friday, April 1, 2016

What is a CES?

Don't ignore bad movements.  Fix them.  
With me, 
Michelle V. Pitlik, CPT, CES; a NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist

My Corrective Exercise Specialization (CES) has taken my personal training skills to the next level!

Muscle imbalances lead to poor movement. Poor movement leads to injuries. As a Corrective Exercise Specialist, I could help you prevent those injuries.

With my CES, I learned the skills and knowledge to help clients at any fitness level address muscular imbalances and faulty movements. With my advanced knowledge of the human movement system it has become an invaluable asset to all my clients.


*also certified in CPR and AED

Booking beach sessions NOW!  Summer is almost here.